Inverse bucket list

In keeping with my 2024 New Year’s resolutions, I started an inverse bucket list – a Marie-Kondo-style list of things to get rid of. Not material things. Mostly mental and intangible things like maintaining presence on a social network, or a long-standing vague intention to do something.

For example, I deleted my LinkedIn account. I stopped using Twitter, and rarely look at Facebook. Just today I let a domain name registration lapse – a registration I have been carrying for years with the intention to “do something” with it. Today I decided that I never will. It was a relief.

Checking off items on my inverse bucket list frees up time and resources to dedicate to my bucket list proper. The idea is that as my bucket list gets closer to complete, my inverse bucket list gets closer to depleted. In the end the bucket list is full, the inverse bucket list is empty.